Apples / Яблоки2001. 115x135, oil on canvas
Sentimental Picture / Сентиментальная картина1998. 114x146, oil on canvas
Letter from Arles / Письмо из Арля2002. 115x135, acrylic on canvas
Letter from Odessa / Письмо из Одессы2002. 120x140, acrylic on canvas
House in the Forest / Дом в лесу2001. 120x140, oil on canvas
Letter from Arles / Письмо из Арля2003. 100x120, acrylic on canvas
Cage / Клетка1999. 120x140, oil on canvas
Snow / Снег1999. 105x145, oil, paper on canvas
Landscape / Пейзаж2005. 100x120,acrylic on canvas
Landscape with Sunflowers / Пейзаж с подсолнухами2002. 115x135, acrylic on canvas
House in the Forest / Дом в лесу1999. 114x146, oil, paper on canvas
Interior with Bed / Интерьер с кроватью2002. 115x135, acrylic on canvas
Landscape / Пейзаж2003/ 120x140, oil on canvas
Chest of Drawers with Self-portrait / Комод с автопортретом2000. 97x130, oil on canvas
Chair / Стул2000. 97x130, oil on canvas
Tabouret / Табурет1999. 120x140,oil on canvas
Still life / Натюрморт1999. 115x135, acrylic on canvas
Still life 33 / Натюрморт 332002. 120x140, acrylic on canvas
Snow in the Garden / Снег в саду2002. 120x140, acrylic on canvas
Alley in Snow / Аллея в снегу1999. 114x146, oil on canvas